Announcing a new App to help you pass the C.M. Exam

Earning your C.M. is a great way to show your dedication to your airport career. This designation signifies that you have a diverse knowledge of the primary functions of how an airport operates and can provide the opportunity to progress up the ranks in a close knit community. The program is open to Affiliate, Associate, Participating, Corporate, Military and Academic Graduate members of AAAE. Certified Member is a useful credential when seeking employment within the airport management profession and for students and corporate members who interact with airport professionals.

To become a C.M., a member must successfully complete a 180-question, multiple-choice examination. AAAE provides electronic study materials, as well as special training courses to help you prepare for the exam.

Once you pass the exam, you will forever be a C.M., with all the rights and privileges, as long as you maintain AAAE membership. If you meet the additional criteria for an Accredited Airport Executive (A.A.E.), your exam completion will transfer to your A.A.E. program, should you choose to advance your career further.


  • Learn from aviation professionals with extensive experience in airport management
  • Become a more well-rounded airport professional, and use your knowledge to improve the safety and efficiency of your airport
  • Increase your promotional and career opportunities in the aviation field
  • Earn a prestigious designation and become a part of an elite group of airport professionals
  • Land a seat at the table with top airport executives
  • Get one step closer to becoming an Accredited Airport Executive

Questions? Contact the Accreditation Department at [email protected]

New Technology to Help You Earn Your C.M.

AAAE has partnered with Blank Slate Technologies, to provide an app-based tool to help members prepare for the C.M. exam. This interactive app uses cognitive science and machine learning to prevent knowledge gaps by continuously measuring, reinforcing, and predicting the knowledge level of its user. The system is loaded with practice questions, similar to those on the C.M. exam, and determines, on a continuous basis, where a student has knowledge gaps and where gaps are most likely to occur in the future. For just a few minutes each week, this new technology will help members identify and study topics where they need the most attention. This app is most effective when engaged a few weeks prior to your exam date. Click here for more information about the app.
C.M. candidates can subscribe to the Quiz App for 90 days for $150 and can renew for an additional 90 days, as needed.
(This is in addition to the C.M. program registration of $225.)

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